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More about Vastu

The key elements of Maharishi Vastu: orientation, placement, and dimensions/proportions

The significance of the orientation of buildings:

Vastu is the design and construction of a building in harmony with natural law, taking into consideration, for example, the proper orientation of the house with its entrance facing due east or in some cases, north.

This is extremely useful because our health, happiness, and well-being are Influenced by the orientation of the buildings we occupy. Published studies support this understanding.

 The significance of where rooms

are placed:

The strongest influence of natural law comes from the Sun.

During its daily travel from east to west the Sun generates different qualities of energy. A home should be so designed that these different energies correspond to the specific function and activity intended for each room. Then natural law will always support each aspect of our daily activity.

For example:

  • A dining room should be located where digestion will be most healthy.
  • A study should be located where the intellect will be most lively.
  • A living room should be located where social life will enjoy greatest support.
  • A bedroom should be located where restful and healthy sleep will be enhanced.

 The significance of dimensions and proportions: 

When a Maharishi Vastu home is planned, proportions and key dimensions, including its length, width and height, are precisely calculated to obtain auspicious measurements which resonate with corresponding cycles of our cosmic counterparts: the Sun, Moon, planets and stars. This brings nourishing and harmonizing influences upon the occupants of the home.


Can homes create wellness for their occupants? Not simply from their materials or air quality, but through the form of the building itself?

In Maharishi Vastu architecture (MVA) design, natural law and architectural principles produce a profound compatibility between the built environment and nature. This enhances our mental and physical health, family relations, work and spirituality.

The MVA system may be incorporated into almost any style, from classical to contemporary. Its key elements are based on the precise impact of the sun and other celestial bodies. These elements align a person’s intelligence with the intelligence underlying the cosmos.

Maharishi revived the practice to also incorporate contemporary elements that contribute to wellness: natural and non-toxic construction materials, an abundance of fresh air and natural light, views of nature, and greatly reduced electromagnetic radiation.

Increasing numbers of wellness homes are being constructed with environmentally friendly, sustainable technologies, which more completely align the buildings with natural law. This includes growing numbers of buildings with small or zero carbon footprints. They use such technologies as passive solar and daylighting, photovoltaic electric generation and rainwater catchment.

Vedic homes are not built near harmful electro-magnetic fields caused by such things as high-tension lines and microwave towers. Internally, special precautions are taken, including shielding of all electrical wiring, in order to greatly reduce the propagation of electro-magnetic fields within the home. It is our goal that all materials and systems in Maharishi Vastus will be pure and healthful.

Following are some KEY ELEMENTS OF MVA design:

  1. Right Direction: The orientation of a building has a dramatic and easily-measured impact upon the quality of life of its occupants. The sun’s energy is most nourishing when it is rising. East facing buildings bring the greatest benefits to the health and success of their occupants.
  2. Right Placement of Rooms: The sun has differing qualities of energy as it moves across the sky. These buildings are designed so that the differing activities that we perform within the various rooms of a home are aligned with the appropriate quality of the sun.
  3. Right Proportion: Proportion is a key to successful design in nature. Right proportion and measurement in buildings strengthen the connection of our individual intelligence to cosmic intelligence.
  4. Natural and Nontoxic Materials and Solar Energy: An important component of Maharishi Vedic architecture is building sustainably with natural, non-toxic materials suitable to the local climatic conditions. This includes using materials such as wood, brick, rammed earth and adobe, as well as natural finishes such as clay stucco, marble, ceramic tile, natural fiber for carpets, curtains and furniture, and healthy, natural, non-toxic paints and glues.
  5. Maharishi Vastu also takes into consideration other important influences, such as:  influences in the environment such as the slope of the land, sunlight, placement of water bodies, and more.

Maharishi restored the ancient technology of Vastu Vidya, which is the applied technology that is derived from the Vedic field of Sthapatya Veda, the science of establishing structures in harmony with Natural Law. He spent 20 years researching, assembling all 150 of texts of the Vedic literature that address the subject, and met extensively with each of the living representatives of six major traditions of Vastu Vidya across India, the home of the Vedas, in order to identify what, within their practices, constituted accurate, text-based practice. At the conclusion of this research he had restored the practice to its full power and authenticity.

Interested to learn more about Maharishi Vastu?


Insights from Science + Research

MVA buildings promote all areas of wellness–good health, happiness, family harmony, success, and enlightened living. MVA communities create an influence of coherence and peace.

16 published, peer-reviewed studies address the astonishing effects of living in MVA homes, as documented in a literature review that has been published in Global Advances in Health & Medicine, a prestigious journal in the field of alternative and complementary medicine.