Issue #41:
March, 2017
Welcome to our Issue
- Celebrating the Stages of Building
- Updated Vastu Coordinator’s Course
Maharishi Vastu® Architecture, Applying the principles of Maharishi Vastu design
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Live or work in Maharishi Vastu and gain a powerful influence of fulfillment, happiness and perfect health for the rest of your life.
Maharishi Vedic® architecture provides the universal rules and principles to design buildings, developments and cities to bring the beneficial influence of all the laws of nature to human life.
Maharishi Vastu is the holistic science of establishment that connects the parts to the whole, the individual to the cosmic.
What we offer to you:
- Pre-designed plans for homes and larger buildings.
- Custom design of homes by affiliated architects.
- Site evaluation: to help you find an ideal site.
- Master Planning for developments and communities.
- Consultation services: to ensure that your architect’s custom design will have a fully nourishing influence.
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Celebrating the Stages of Building
We are all familiar with the tradition of acknowledging certain significant points in the building process. How often have we seen a photo of a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new school, or a photo of various officials with a shovel taking turns digging a ceremonial hole to mark the beginning of construction on a new building project? And many of us have gone to house warming parties where friends or family members are celebrating a new home.
These celebrations are reflections of the traditions of many ancient cultures. In the Vedic tradition of knowledge that also gives us Maharishi Vedic architecture, we celebrate three, significant points in the construction of a Maharishi Vastu building. The first is breaking the ground — Bhumi Khanaman — in which the owner performs the first movement of the earth on the land. On a more quiet level they are also pledging to honor the land and take responsibility for it. Next is the foundation stone ceremony-Shilanyas-at which time the builder has excavated the foundation and is about to pour/put down the foundation. In this ceremony, considered to be the first step of construction, certain key ingredients are placed in an auspicious location to insure the “establishment” of a successful connection between the structure of the building and the ground. Finally, when the building is completed and ready to occupy, the Inauguration of the New Home — Griha Pravesham — family and friends come together to welcome and enliven the laws of nature that will support and nourish the occupants and their activities.

To see the dramatic change that takes place in a house, we have created an album of photos that show a lovely, new Maharishi Vastu home on Cape Cod, Massachusetts both at the time of its foundation stone ceremony and also its inauguration. These photos also reflect how each of these ceremonies quickly becomes a celebration!
The details in the completed home are a stunning reflection of the artistic talents of the owners as well as the builder and the design team. They were able to showcase several principles of Maharishi Vastu design-such as abundance of natural materials, natural light and airflow, and a refinement of decorative elements that result in a coherent, exquisitely beautiful wholeness while remaining comfortable.
We thought you would also enjoy hearing the owners’ thoughts on her first weeks of living in the home.
…” In this incredible Vastu on Cape Cod, the house has Being. It is grounding. I sleep better. I feel more at home. I feel symmetry, an empathy with the space. It feels alive. The energy feels good, settling. I am more creative and fulfilled being there.
I love the openness and the internal light that comes from the avenues of lights and the clerestories. I love living in a space constructed with all natural materials, things of the earth, living in a space that uses geothermal for my heat and considers such things as the effects of electromagnetic smog. I love being enclosed by the walls and fences in our yard. Again it makes me feel grounded and protected.
I love living in a space where I know my plants and family and whomever I bring into the space will be happier and healthier for being here. People who have visited are blown away by not only the beauty of the space, but also by the way it feels being here.

The people who built the house were, without exception, affected by the process and felt stretched and challenged as never before. They felt they were doing their best work. They felt it would probably be the pinnacle of their careers. I hope not. I hope they have the opportunity to build more Vastus.”
Updated Vastu Coordinator’s Course
Have you ever wanted to learn how to speak clearly and simply about Maharishi Vastu architecture? A little over eight years ago a course was created that offers just that, and many people around the world have benefited from either attending the course in person or taking it on line. Recently, it was edited, updated, and shortened into four lessons and has been taught again in a live setting. Jon Lipman, AIA, national director for Maharishi Vastu architecture, North America led the course this past fall in Iowa at Maharishi University of Management, then again in Israel as part of a one month retreat symposium.

The updated version of this course will be offered in Europe at the headquarters of our international offices, September 12-18. Click here to get an in-depth description of the course and the application to attend.